
Senato della Repubblica @Senato della RepubblicaNew Automation for  Senato della Repubblica: Aula dell'Assemblea Automation Software to control Vinten robotic cameras. Switching Senator's microphones. Video Router & Switcher control. Robit automation software controls Vinten robotic cameras and Video Router and Switcher synchronizing Senator's microphones during Broadcast Live events. The System: Robit Automation SW Vinten robotic Cameras...
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@Sky Italia

@Sky Italia Transmission Chain Quality Admin & Monitoring: - Cross Browser & Cross Platform Web Site Admin Tool interface - SSL strong encryption support - Web App with VPN on PC, Tablet & Smart Phones the monitoring chain starts from internal Webtech database, re-elaborated and managed by a PC Server Administrator Application, this Admin Tool configures the chain following DB settings, collects and filters instrumental data and generates we...
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