
CAN to Ethernet Gateway with GPS interface, GPI and GPO Analog and digital inputs and outputs for a real time telemetry data. CAN to Ethernet devices are configured by the PC-based Robit software. It is possible to stream real time telemetry data as well to integrate GPS into a real time map. Back
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Senato della Repubblica @Senato della RepubblicaNew Automation for  Senato della Repubblica: Aula dell'Assemblea Automation Software to control Vinten robotic cameras. Switching Senator's microphones. Video Router & Switcher control. Robit automation software controls Vinten robotic cameras and Video Router and Switcher synchronizing Senator's microphones d...
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@Sky Italia

@Sky Italia
@Sky Italia Transmission Chain Quality Admin & Monitoring: - Cross Browser & Cross Platform Web Site Admin Tool interface - SSL strong encryption support - Web App with VPN on PC, Tablet & Smart Phones the monitoring chain starts from internal Webtech database, re-elaborated and managed by a PC Server Administrator Application, this Admin Tool...
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@Global Production

@Global Production
@Global Production OBVan 6 HD: 30 CAMERAS with Robit Tally and UMD System Controller: ...  " Continua la costante e appassionata collaborazione tra Global e Robit, per aumentare e ottimizzare il software di gestione con i vari Brands per Matrici, Mixer e Multi Image, in modo da offrire ai clienti, sempre, la massima flessibilità e il pieno utilizzo di tutta la potenza e capacità del nuovo mezz...
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